(new LED indicators)
So seeing as it's a Bank Holiday Weekend and the world will either be in a DIY store or panic buying food I thought I'd go and collect the latest additions for the Mad Orange Thing, which clearly required a scenic route and breakfast. I'm bloody glad I didn't put my new Mesh Jacket on, as it was seriously fresh...maybe after all these years I am finally learning that sunshine in the UK doesn't automatically equal warmth (my excuse is a childhood in Africa, where it definitely did!)

Good old Hammonds (www.hammondmotorcycles.co.uk) came up with the goods, and made me realise how big the originals are, and I had to stop for a couple of photo opportunities on the way home :)

Then time for some arsing about with Mad Orange Thing surgery

It doesn't look it in the photos but the new ones are much smaller (and therefore clearly the MT continues on a weight reducing diet!
Today's helpful tools were a magnetic tray and a bolt gauge...

Time for another visit to Pro Bolt I think :) www.pro-bolt.com
And a beer...the front will have to wait for another day.

Not a bad day really, only a little bit of blood shed from my fingers (which I then made very painful by chopping up some fresh chilles...ouch)
Gotta beat sitting in a cage in a traffic jam on a motorway eh?
Happy Saturday all, keep it shiny side up.