So, around the age of 18 I was the proud owner of a Suzuki GSX550EFE. Another bike courtesy of Matthew (and L.Morgan).

I remember telling my mother that it wasn't fast..."it just looks fast!"
Anyhow, long story short - riding back from a Summer Job in Poole I got stung in the neck by something. Transpires it was a wasp. I made sure it wasn't still there (which involved a fair bit of swearing and leaping about) and continued heading home.
Within a couple of hundred yards I was unconscious and on the floor.
A friend who I worked with, Lois, was actually behind me having some practice as a learner driver, and saw me fall off in front of her on a roundabout. As it was rush hour and she was so completely freaked out that she just kept driving. Cheers for that.
I remember coming to with a Doctor saying to me "I'm just giving you an intravenous Adrenalin injection to get your heart started." I think at the point of hearing that I probably produced quite a bit of my own Adrenalin!
Turns out I'm allergic to wasp stings and went into anaphylactic shock. Kind of ironic having spent most of my childhood running around barefoot in Africa to be nearly wiped out by an English Wasp...(we used to keep snake serum in the fridge when I was a kid).

I later got stung again in the middle of Rannoch Moor in Scotland (round about the time of this photo). This is one of the most remote places in the UK, and that's a story for another day.