Ok, so I have actually lost my bike...we've all had years like that right?
It came via Matthew (bit of a theme here?) from a friend of his who had been using it on a farm.
He thought the registration number was HLU412V, so I had a plate made up and taxed it. Then one afternoon I had a visit from a DVLA man who wanted to inspect my green 1979 Datsun Sunny. Hmm, bit of a headscratcher that one.
Remember this is back in the days where mobile phones and the internet didn't exist.
So I re-registered it as Q322GEL - it being cheaper than pretending it was a car.

Subsequently found out that the correct registration was HLU142V, so Matthew's friend wasn't that far off. I ended up with two Registration Documents for the one bike...in fact I still have them somewhere.
What I don't have is the bike.
Now I can tell you exactly where and how all of my bikes passed on, but not the DT. I was going through one of those "owning several bikes at once" phases. Various close friends borrowed them at points - Paul took the DT to Glastonbury once where I suspect it was badly behaved.
Anyhow, once night some years ago I woke up suddenly from a very deep sleep and thought "where the Fxxk is the DT?" And I still don't know, nobody does.
I hope it's out there somewhere in the country..if you see it please send it home.